LaplaceDLTS System


The software runs only with appropriate license hardware key installed (obtained from contact persons on commercial basis). For those who want to test performance of the software it is possible to obtain a test run license key active for 12 months. Handling fee applies.

Full installation/upgrade/repair (http://info NULL.ifpan NULL.11 NULL.2022 NULL.exe), version 3.5.05 (date: 4-11-2022), a password for running downloaded set-up file is required.

Basic hardware configuration (http://info NULL.ifpan NULL.pdf) with Boonton Capacitance meter and NI-DAQ card for capacitance transients acquisition
(do not forget to switch computing mode to ‘Capacitance Transients’)

Basic hardware configuration (http://info NULL.ifpan NULL.pdf) with Keithley 428 Current Amplifier and NI-DAQ card for current transients acquisition
(do not forget to switch computing mode to ‘Current Transients’)

Lock-in system (http://info NULL.ifpan NULL.pdf) used as a capacitance meter, general idea

Description of NI_DAQ signals and timing (http://info NULL.ifpan NULL.pdf)

Description of wiring (http://info NULL.ifpan NULL.pdf) (starting from version 3.3.0) for connector boxes (screw-terminal or BNC) used with the NI DAQ cards.

Description of Boxcar and lock in algorithms in DLTS measurements (http://info NULL.ifpan NULL.pdf) using LaplaceDLTS software, provided by Prof. Abdelmadjid Mesli

Manual (http://info NULL.ifpan (2020) NULL.pdf) version May.2020, newer than the Program Help. (http://www NULL.laplacedlts

Installation Instructions

NB! Version 3.3.38 has been tested under Windows10 64bit. Works as expected. The only thing one should do after successful installation on older versions of W10 (pre 2019) and before program is run is to manually register one of the older libraries.
Please open the command prompt window and issue the following command:
regsvr32 %Systemroot%\SysWOW64\comdlg32.ocx

NB! The software will not run on computer with processor older than Pentium5. It may change with version of NI drivers as they are the most demanding part of the system. So if you can run NI-MAX utility available after installing NI drivers then you should be able to run the LaplaceDLTS System as well.

NB! If you happen to have version 3.3.2 or earlier installed, a full installation from downloaded set-up is necessary, i.e. you have to install the software into a new directory, then copy existing user configurations from old configuration files (*.ini).

NB! Starting from version 3.5.x if you are going to use either of old Boontons remote interface (Freiberg or IFPAN versions) you need to have USB-serial interface drivers installed. In 99% of cases the interface is recognized automatically and appropriate drivers loaded from WEB. In case it will not happen you need to go to Arduino (https://www NULL.arduino page and download the driver from there.

The first step is always installing current drivers for the hardware. You are advised to do so always, both in case of upgrades of LaplaceDLTS and also and when installing for the first time. It is VERY important as the LaplaceDLTS software will fail to talk to the hardware if installed before proper drivers are registered into the Windows. You can download NI drivers from NI.COM site or from our ftp site (links below). Install GPIB drivers, VISA (NI version) and NI DAQ card drivers called NIDAQmx. We recommend using NI GPIB card and drivers as some other ones proved not to be fully compatible with NI VISA drivers, sometimes.

You have to run an installer whether you are installing for the first time or just upgrading to the current version. The installer you downloaded will recognize the mode by itself and act accordingly. In case of the first installation, or after totally uninstalling the previous version, the installer will ask you for a password, which has been sent to you by mail.

Please install the Laplace system into directory of your choice which is NOT in the system paths, i.e. .Windows, .Program files or .Documents and settings. After running the installer you can choose the default configuration or request a custom one. In this mode you can change the installation path (which defaults to C:\Laplace Transient Processor) and software components to be installed. This mode is useful when installing only the ExpDBase program on computers other than the one which is used for measurements and calculations.

Please configure Windows so it will not enter sleep mode after some time of inactivity (lack of user interaction). Windows do not consider any user software running as user activity so it will suspend the Laplace even during long measurements. What’s worse the program will fail to communicate with measurement hardware after wakeup.

NI GPIB Driver (IEEE 488.2) (http://info NULL.ifpan NULL.exe), version 3.2

NI VISA Driver (http://info NULL.ifpan NULL.exe), version 5.1.2

NI DAQ Driver (NIDAQmx) (http://info NULL.ifpan NULL.exe), version 5.1.1

Version History

v. 3.5.03 February 2022
Small UI refinements. Buf fixes.
Added support for AME Voltage Multiplier, the device extending range of the bias and pulse voltage amplitudes to -20V..+6V.
May be used with any other hardware. It is a stand-alone device connected between generator output and the sample.

v. 3.5.01 August 2021
Added support for IFPAN Boonton Remote Interface (hardware add-on designed in IFPAN). Old Boontons, models 72B, 72C & 72BD, may be now controlled from the main program.
New version of manual included (text version only for now).

v. 3.3.51-53 September 2019 .. June 2020
● Small fixes to Freiberg devices support.
● Limiting maximum number of points passed to Contin for computing (max 30000 samples).
● Fixes and upgrades to the User Interface.

v. 3.3.40-50 October 2019
● Full support for AME remote interface controlling Boonton72 meters range switch, electronic capacitance compensator and Short Pulse Interface (by Klaus Maas); v.1.0
● Added a new library for automatic searching for transient beginning, based on heuristic approach.
● Both the main program (in script mode) and the database support now transient sets treated as a one data object.
● All measurements now support light parameters. In case when optical measurements are enabled, light source is selected and initialized.
Light parameters are written into appropriate data file and the stored into the working database.
Light sources supported are Jobin-Yvon TRIAX180 monochromator and Thorlabs Tunable Laser Kits.
● Scripts support working with light excitation (light measurements), including laser/monochromator parameters.
● Database program has been updated to version 1.59. It now supports dataset type, modified and extended IL type (I/C/V value vs Wavelength) and light parameters (Wavelength, Photon Energy, Light Intensity and Light Pulse Length) for all other data types. Light parameters are not mandatory, i.e. measurements done without light source enabled will not store and process them.
● All timer- and user-driven events causing communication with temperature controller are now marshalled so there should be no collisions resulting in false temperature readouts or failing to set temperature.
Communication with temeperature controllers goes now through VISA library unifying access through GPIB, serial and USB interfaces.
● A lot of UI changes, fixes and refinements (e.g. bigger dialog windows).

v. 3.3.39-40 November 2017
Support for temperature controller AME tc-2091 added.
Conventional DLTS dialog allows for temperature rate to be changed while measuring. Additional temperature monitor window
is added to diplay temperature changes.
Error in USB dongle library fixed (this applies to both LaplaceDLTS and ExperimentDBase programs).
Some minor user interface changes, adjustments and fixes.

v. 3.3.38 May 2016
Temperature controllers now can use internal ZONE mode or PID mode. It is possible to use direct PID/heater settings as well, as before.
Support for using lock-in as a capacitance meter added. A general lock-in may be used with all-manual control. There is built-in support
for HF2LI digital lock-in from Zurich Instrument. Other models will follow.

v. 3.3.33 April 2015
Capacitance vs Temperature (CT) module fixes and improvements.

v. 3.3.32 April 2015

Fixes to IV files handling for reverse (DOWN) measurements.
The same fixes applied to Experiment Database program.
Parameter ‘End voltage’ added to IV and CV database formats (to present data
already present in corresponding disc files).
Additional parameters added to user configuration files used to limit effective range of
voltages applied to the sample (reverse and forward). This is user setting that is independent
of hardware used and is used to limit voltages displayed and set through measurement dialogs
slider controls. It is stored in user configuration file, so every user can set it separately and
may have several different settings as well.

v. 3.3.31 April 2015
Improvements to user configurations handling.

v. 3.3.30 March 2015
Capacitance vs Temperature (CT) module brought back to service!
Additional methods and enhancements to ExpDBase server (now v.1.50).

v. 3.3.29 January 2015
Extended expiry date range in HASP module.

v. 3.3.27 November 2014
A lot of minor changes, fixes and amendments in CV, conventional DLTS and LaplaceDLTS
modes, including:
– DLTS TrapView and Multiexponential modes fixed; now they start every time in both
temperature directions
– CV module enhanced
– current transient mode in conventional DLTS added, similar to the one in Laplace mode
– additional features of Keithley 428 current amplifier can now be controlled from within
the program
Errors in hardware configuration module fixed (restoring sync configuration) and another
signal source replacing capacitance meter added; may be used when measuring current
transients instead of “dummy” 72B Boonton (no computer control of the source)
Error inhibiting LaplaceDLTS main program use when NI drivers are not installed fixed.

v. 3.3.26 December 2013
A new version of database program is now included. It does not affect existing LaplaceDLTS installations.
Both database template and default databases supplied are now in Access2k format (instead of Access97) as well.
1. Errors when accessing new databases created from (empty) template utilizing Access2k database format are fixed.
2. Some modifications to CV module:
* It is enough to initialize hardware once. It stays valid after closing and re-opening the window,
* Initialization is cancelled after global hardware reinitialization and/or after choosing another CV hardware,
* Diagrams and data are retained in process of closing and reopening the window; it is discarded on hardware change or reinitialization.

v. 3.3.25 May 2013
All Keithley SMUs 26xx A/B may now be used with IV module, not only the 2601A. However only the first
channel will be used and within ranges 40V/3A, like for the original 2601A device.

v. 3.3.24 January 2013
Support for LakeShore 336 added.

v. 3.3.21 June 2012
Added support for LakeShore 335 temperature controller.
New WireTest program.

v. 3.3.20 May 2012
Added support for sync impulse length control (used e.g. to drive excitation lasers/LEDs).
Some minor bugs fixed.

v. 3.3.14 October 2011
Agilent E4980A LRC Meter support added.

v. 3.3.13 September 2011
Keithley 6487 Picoammeter/Voltage Source support added.

v. 3.3.12 September 2011
Scientific Instruments 9700 Temperature Controller support added.

v. 3.3.11 February 2011-August 2011
Automatic NI card recognition and max. parameter load/application introduced. The following NI DAQ cards are now
supported: PCI6251, PCIe6251, PXI6251, PCI6259, PXI6259, PCIe6351, PCIe6353, PCIe6361, PXI6361, PCIe6363 and PXI6363.
CT measurements temporarily disabled.
A lot of errors fixed or plumbed.

v. 3.3.8 January 2011
New instrument added for I(V) measurements: Keithley 2601A. Some improvements and fixes to IV measurements
form (e.g. initialization parameters are now retained between runs).

Transient Processing Utility

Transient Processing Utility is a new program (TPU in short) to be used to process exponential transients obtained from any source. The program processes data taken from ASCII (not Unicode!) text files using set of numerical routines, the same as used by the LaplaceDLTS System. The data files have to conform to LDLTS standard (described in LDLTS manual and in TPU built-in help). Output of numerical processing is presented as a graph and a set of parameters. Computed spectra may be stored in ASCII text files conforming to LDLTS standard.

One can easily manipulate computing parameters, select numerical routines to be used and range of transient points to be processed.

This utility is intended to be used to process experimental data obtained from sources other than LaplaceDLTS System but showing the same exponential behavior.

The program can utilize a standard LDLTS database so it is possible to compute spectra for measurements already stored in the database. Newly computed spectra of existing transients may be inserted into the database in proper relation to transients.

Simple database editing such as modifying, adding and deleting Material and Sample entries, deleting and adding transient (Measurement) and spectrum (Result) files is possible.

The program is protected by hardware license key, the same kind as Laplace DLTS System. The dongle contains two different licenses meaning that each program checks internal key registry to check if it is allowed to run. Owners of the LDLTS System needing to use the new program on the same computer are provided with the one-time utility which burns appropriate license into existing USB dongle.

The program is available on commercial basis. Please contact us for pricing as well as in any other case.

Some screenshots:

4. Noise

Picture 4 of 7

Computing noise of the signal


Full installation/upgrade/repair (http://info NULL.ifpan NULL.07 NULL.2021 NULL.exe), version 2.4.7 (date: 13-07-2021), a password for running downloaded set-up file is required.

Installation of Sentinel HASP drivers (http://info NULL.ifpan NULL.exe)