
Announcement No. 1

Ladies and Gentlemen,
XIX National Superconductivity Conference "Unconventional Superconductivity and Strongly Correlated Electron Systems", organized by the Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, will be held on 6-11 October 2019 in one of the summer resorts in Mazovia. Soon we will make available the website of the Conference with detailed information about the subject matter of the conference, conference venue and important dates.
We are counting on your presence at the conference in autumn this year.
Best regards,
The Organizing Committee of the XIX KKN
Conference e-mail:

Announcement No. 2 – 26.04.19

Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a pleasure to let you know that the conference will be held in the Magellan Hotel, which is located in the woods on the coast of Sulejowski Reservoir, about 120 km from Warsaw, and about 17 km from Piotrków Trybunalski and Tomaszów Mazowiecki.
More on the conference venue and how to get to the conference site may be found on the web page of the conference: To help with the travel the organizers will provide bus transport from Warsaw, and possibly also from Piotrków Trybunalski, depending on the number of participants coming there.
Not all the bookmarks on the web page are active yet – we will activate them successively. We will notify you on the opening of the registration in a separate announcement.
Best regards,
The organizers.

Announcement No. 3 – 16.05.19

Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a pleasure to let you know that the registration for a conference KKN19 is open in the web page:, in the bookmark „Registration form”. We would like to ask all participants (including invited speakers) to fill in the form, in particular:
- choose the preferred form of presentation (no presentation/oral/poster), and fill in the title – we will attempt to accommodate your preferences;
- choose if you want to publish in conference proceedings – we will decide on the publication of proceedings depending on the amounts of potential manuscripts;
- fill in the organizational details (dates, transport, accompanying persons, banquet, excursion, diet);
- include the abstract of the presentation, using the attached template. The abstract may be also sent later by e-mail, but it is needed before May 31 in order to decide on the oral/poster presentation form.
We hope to see you at the conference,
Best regards,
The organizers.

Announcement No. 4 – 31.05.19

Ladies and Gentlemen,
- In response to pledge from many potential participants, we have extended the registration deadline to June 5, 2019.
- All participants, who would like to present contributed oral talk, should submit the abstracts till midnight of June 5th. The decision on the oral/poster form will be send to you before June 10th. Abstracts submitted after June 5th will be included as poster presentations.
- The abstracts of invited talks should be submitted not later than June 25th in order to be included in the book of abstracts.
Best regards,
The organizers.

Announcement No. 5 – 04.09.19

Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a pleasure to let you know that the conference program in graphic and text versions is now available on the conference website: It can also be found in the attachments to this Communication. Invited Speakers will have 20 (green color, ZK) or 30 (blue color, ZD) minutes for their talk + 5 minutes for discussion. Oral Speakers will have 15 (yellow color, U) minutes for their talk + 5 minutes for discussion. Please check the detailed program of the conference for your assigned presentation time.
Participants preparing presentations in the form of a poster are kindly requested to prepare their posters in A0 format (vertical orientation).
Information concerning the bus transport from Warsaw or Piotrków Trybunalski to Bronisławów: we expect that the bus will leave Warsaw no later than 17:00, and will leave Piotrków Trybunalski no later than 17:30. Detail information will be given later after the details are agreed with the carrier.
Best regards,
The organizers.

Announcement No. 6 - 18.09.19 (important for lecturers!)

Ladies and Gentlemen,
We are obtaining a lot of inquiries about the language of the conference, particularly language of the lectures. It has been a tradition in this series of conferences to give lectures in Polish (with some exceptions), with the goal to promote the polish scientific language in this quickly changing discipline.
However, nowadays we have larger and larger participation of foreign speaking lecturers (working in Poland or visiting), who either do not speak polish at all, or have difficulty in understanding it. It is our feeling that it would be more polite to these visitors if we could give lectures in English, if it is possible. However, we leave the final decision about the language to lecturers.
Best regards,
Organizing Committee

Announcement No. 7 - 30.09.19

Ladies and Gentlemen,
We would like to inform you about the bus transport from Warsaw or Piotrków Trybunalski to the Magellan Hotel in Bronisławowo on October 6, 2019. From Warsaw, the conference bus will leave at 5 p.m., a meeting will take place in the bus parking near the Palace of Culture and Science in front of the Cinema Kinoteka, where the organizer with the conference sign will be waiting for you. The meeting place is marked on the map attached to the announcement. From Piotrków Trybunalski the conference bus will depart at 6 p.m. from the parking in front of the railway station, where one of the organizers with the conference sign will also be waiting for you. The carrier in both cases is Chmielewski Travel.
On Friday, 11 October 2019, after the conference, the buses to Warsaw and Piotrków Trybunalski will leave the Magellan Hotel at about 14:30.
We also would like to inform you that on the conference website in the bookmark there is a book of abstracts.
Best regards,
The organizers