0 ; IMUELL = type of input file: 0=standard binary fbenz165 ; FILND = generic name of output file 1,1,0,0 ; IRES,INF,IFITS,IBLOCK = residual file,fit info,?,? 0 ; IMUEL2 = only if IRES=1 (1=ASCII, 0=binary) 0,0,1,0,0,0 ; ISTF,IDK,IKDOP,IKAVG,ILA,IAUS,IBITF = STOERUNG FITTEN prompt (for INF=1) 0,0,0,0,0,0 ; IFPAR,IT2G,IRLXA,IZS,IIQ,IDA,IT2TST = DIVERSE FITPARAMETER prompt (for INF=1) 3 ; LINM = number of lines 28.639,0.2 , 100,0.0, ; TA2,TB2,TD2,TDP2,FDP = freq,1/t2,ampl,phase,? 34.123,0.2 , 25,0.0, ; second line (only frequency required) 30.460,0.2 , 10,0.0, ; third line fbenz.165 ; FILN in routine EIN = name of input measurement file fbenz165.res ; FILN in routine AUS = name of output residual file 0 ; INDS = more input (1/0 = Y/N) | | the configuration file for fitting the three strongest lines in spectrum fbenz.165