-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to use ERHAM with AABS (updated Feb2018 for use with R3 of ERHAM): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This procedure has been considerably simplified relative to the previous version. In summary: 1/ For a generic name MOLNAM associated with the project first prepare a) starting MOLNAM.CAT file with predictions b) stub MOLNAM.LIN file in the same quantisation c) ERHAM input file MOLNAM.IN (perhaps by reusing some previous ERHAM input file and running step 5) 2/ Declare MOLNAM.LIN as the fitting file in SVIEW_L, load the spectrum into SVIEW_L and the .LIN file into ASCP_L -> 3/ Make measurements in the usual way, which will be appended to | MOLNAM.LIN | | 4/ Run LINERH to convert MOLNAM.LIN file to ERHAM input MOLNAM.IN | | 5/ Run ERHAMZ_R3 (and edit MOLNAM.IN further as required by the fit) | This will also update MOLNAM.CAT. | | 6/ If necessary, run ERHRES to update MOLNAM.LIN (and also generate | a more compact, reformatted MOLNAM.RES file of results of fit) | |_ 7/ Refresh the .CAT and .LIN files in ASCP_L (ESC key) and loop back to step 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In more detail: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All AABS project files have to be in the same directory: spectrum, fitting file, predictions file(s), and SVIEW_L.INP. It is often more convenient to keep the files associated with ERHAM fits in another directory. If no manual changes to the ERHAM input file have been made then it is only necessary to update the MOLNAM.CAT file in the AABS work directory. Search the ERHAM output file for the word "derived" to jump to the end of the last iteration. Search for "SUM OF STATES" to find candidate values for use as partition function in generating the .CAT file. When reusing an input file from ERHAM versions prior to R3 make sure to add suitable values of the scaling parameter SCPP (block 5 of input) at the end of each line defining the torsional parameters. It is also necessary to add a dummy SCPP value at the end of the line terminating the torsional parameter input. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 3: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transition entries will be added to MOLNAM.LIN with the quantisation defined by MOLNAM.CAT (IS1 as fourth quantum number and IS2 as eighth quantum number). It is advisable to manually reorder transitions in the MOLNAM.LIN file as necessary, and to use end of line annotations of the same form as recognised by PIFORM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 4: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The settings necessary for operation of LINERH are to be placed in LINERH.INP, typically: name of the input .LIN file: molnam.lin name of the ERHAM input file: molnam.in transitions (1) or full input (2): 2 order of rotational qns in .LIN file: 1,2,3,5,6,7 symmetry labels IS1,IS2: -4,-8 ________________________________________ d e s c r i p t o r |_____ d a t a (starting on column 41) The previous version of the ERHAM input file MOLNAM.IN will be backed up to MOLNAM.IN.BAK. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 5: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is necessary to set IFPR=4 in the ERHAM input file MOLNAM.IN (this is the fifth parameter in the second line). The preferred mode of operation is by means of the pipeline command: ERHAMZ_R3ERHAMZ_R3->ERHRES should be neutral regarding the MOLNAM.LIN file. If there was no additional editing then the .LIN file resulting from ERHRES should be identical to the one used as data for LINERH. The previous version of the MOLNAM.LIN file will be backed up to MOLNAM.LIN.BAK. This procedure also allows taking account of any editing made inside the MOLNAM.IN file, as MOLNAM.LIN resulting from this step should reflect these. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------