Hamiltonian terms (operators and constant identifiers) that can be used in BELGI-Cs: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 (1-cos3g) Pg2 PaPg (1-cos6g) Pg4 PaPg3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/2V3 F RHORHO 1/2V6 AK4 AK3 P2 1/2(B-C) FV GV ALV ANV AMV AK3J Pa2 A-1/2(B-C) AK5 AK2 AK1 BK2 BK1 AK3K Pb2-Pc2 1/2(B-C) C2 C1 C4 C11 C3 C12 {Pa,Pb} Dab ODAB DELTA ODELTA ODAB6 DELTAB ODELTB {Pa,Pc} Dac {Pb,Pc} Dbc -P4 DJ OFV GVJ OLV ANVJ AMVJ AK3JJ -P2pa2 DJK AK5J AK2J AK1J BK2J BK1J AK3JK -Pa4 DK AK5K AK2K AK1K BK1K AK3KK -2P2(Pb2-Pc2) ODELN C2J C1J C4J C3J C12J -[Pa2,(Pb2-Pc2)] odelk C2K C1K C4K P2{Pb,Pc} DbcJ P2{Pa,Pc} DacJ P2{Pa,Pb} DabJ ODabJ Pa2{Pa,Pb} DabK ODABK P6 HJ P4Pa2 HJK AK2JJ AK1JJ P2pa4 HKJ AK2JK AK1JK Pa6 HK 2P4(Pb2-Pc2) OHJ P2{Pa2, (Pb2-Pc2)} OHJK {Pa4,(Pb2-Pc2)} OHK P4{Pa,Pb} DABJJ P2Pa2{Pa,Pb} DABJK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {(1-cos3g),PaPg} AK6 P2{(1-cos3g),PaPg} AK6J {(1-cos3g),Pa3Pg} AK6K {(1-cos6g),PaPg} AK66 {(1-cos3g),Pg2} AK7 P2{(1-cos3g),Pg2} AK7J Pa2{(1-cos3g),Pg2} AK7K PaPg5 AK3B Pg6 AK4B P2PaPg5 AK3BJ P2Pg6 AK4BJ PaPg7 AK3BB Pg8 AK4BB (1-cos9g) V9 (1-cos12g) V12 P2(1-cos12g) V12J Pa2(1-cos12g) V12K ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: 1/ Rotational constants are to be specified using the identifiers OA, B, and C 2/ All legal parameter identifiers are stored in the program in the statements copied below, so you can double check. The * symbols denote continuation lines, each identifier is six characters long and trailing spaces matter. ABC(1:210)= * 'OA B C DJ DJK DK ODELN ODELK HJ HJK *HKJ HK OHJ OHJK OHK FV OFV GV ALV AK1 AK2 *AK3 AK4 AK5 AK6 AK7 DAB ODAB DABJ DABK OLV C1 *C2 C3 HLKJ ' ABC(211:702)= 'AK5J C2J GVJ AK2J C1J ANV BK2 AMV *DAC DBC C4 ODELTADELTA AK1J AK5K AK2K AK1K AK3J AK3K *BK1 AK7J C11 ODAB6 AK6K AK7K AK66 AK6J AK3B AK4B DELTAB *ODELTBC4J C4K C1K C2K C12 ANVJ AMVJ AK3JJ BK2J BK1J *AK3KJ BK1K AK3KK C3J C12J AK2JJ AK1JJ AK2JK AK1JK AK3BJ AK4BJ *AK3BB AK4BB ESPOIRAK9 V12J V12K DAC12 DBC12 DACJ DBCJ ODABJ *RHOB RHOC F RHO V3 V6 V9 V12 RHORHOODABK DACK *V9J V9K C11J C11K DABJJ DABJK ODABJJODABJK' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------