Rotational constants for top 1 low barrier The RAM rotational constant matrix in abc order is 0.09641341607 -0.01638102829 0.00000000000 -0.01638102829 0.02582269685 0.00052807734 0.00000000000 0.00052807734 0.02002946271 The column eigenvectors in C,B,A order are 0.04593600392 0.21062131098 0.97648786316 0.21452304137 0.95263342185 -0.21556768845 -0.97563812362 0.21938146444 -0.00142295161 EIGENVALUES = principal axis C,B,A in cm-1 and MHz 0.0199133492 0.0223225649 0.1000296615 596.9871965240 669.2136675160 2998.8138384408 Utr*H*U below should agree with the eigenvalues above 0.0199133492 -0.0000000003 -0.0000000006 -0.0000000003 0.0223225637 -0.0000000026 -0.0000000006 -0.0000000026 0.1000296627 The C,B,A direction cosines and angles of the top are cos = 0.16750967 angle = 80.356942 degrees cos = 0.68515559 angle = 46.752155 degrees cos = 0.70887399 angle = 44.856627 degrees Rotational constants for top 1 low barrier, final fit The RAM rotational constant matrix in abc order is 0.09641342037 -0.01638094317 0.00000000000 -0.01638094317 0.02582331978 0.00052807744 0.00000000000 0.00052807744 0.02002885282 The column eigenvectors in C,B,A order are 0.04591292323 0.21062697427 0.97648772711 0.21441797794 0.95265693547 -0.21556830480 -0.97566230542 0.21927389496 -0.00142294518 EIGENVALUES = principal axis C,B,A in cm-1 and MHz 0.0199127990 0.0223231370 0.1000296569 596.9707028867 669.2308187169 2998.8137007173 Utr*H*U below should agree with the eigenvalues above 0.0199127989 -0.0000000006 -0.0000000014 -0.0000000006 0.0223231341 -0.0000000064 -0.0000000014 -0.0000000064 0.1000296600 The C,B,A direction cosines and angles of the top are cos = 0.16743227 angle = 80.361441 degrees cos = 0.68516521 angle = 46.751399 degrees cos = 0.70888298 angle = 44.855896 degrees Rotational constants for top 1 low barrier, final fit, error The RAM rotational constant matrix in abc order is 0.09641348000 -0.01638150000 0.00000000000 -0.01638150000 0.02582900000 0.00052809500 0.00000000000 0.00052809500 0.02003500000 The column eigenvectors in C,B,A order are 0.04593640831 0.21064347548 0.97648306316 0.21450351220 0.95263289964 -0.21558942873 -0.97564239845 0.21936245067 -0.00142323146 EIGENVALUES = principal axis C,B,A in cm-1 and MHz 0.0199188937 0.0223283764 0.1000302099 597.1534160472 669.3878914773 2998.8302789941 Utr*H*U below should agree with the eigenvalues above 0.0199188934 -0.0000000011 -0.0000000025 -0.0000000011 0.0223283713 -0.0000000113 -0.0000000025 -0.0000000113 0.1000302153 The C,B,A direction cosines and angles of the top are cos = 0.16747885 angle = 80.358734 degrees cos = 0.68510798 angle = 46.755901 degrees cos = 0.70892728 angle = 44.852297 degrees Rotational constants for top 1 low barrier, final fit, error The RAM rotational constant matrix in abc order is 0.09641336000 -0.01637970000 0.00000000000 -0.01637970000 0.02581700000 0.00052805900 0.00000000000 0.00052805900 0.02002300000 The column eigenvectors in C,B,A order are 0.04589894882 0.21059868976 0.97649448456 0.21438506897 0.95267126774 -0.21553769468 -0.97567019464 0.21923879104 -0.00142260487 EIGENVALUES = principal axis C,B,A in cm-1 and MHz 0.0199069690 0.0223176060 0.1000287850 596.7959233451 669.0650013523 2998.7875624054 Utr*H*U below should agree with the eigenvalues above 0.0199069690 -0.0000000001 -0.0000000002 -0.0000000001 0.0223176056 -0.0000000008 -0.0000000002 -0.0000000008 0.1000287854 The C,B,A direction cosines and angles of the top are cos = 0.16742015 angle = 80.362145 degrees cos = 0.68520131 angle = 46.748559 degrees cos = 0.70885095 angle = 44.858498 degrees