tri.con CONSTANT OBS CALC from planarity OBS-CALC (%) A = 3945.907928283021 3935.873822414845 0.254291434330 B = 1533.385240382819 1531.867620250130 0.098971875607 C = 1103.478690258433 1104.265968417236 -0.071345116653 DJ = 0.000093092267 0.000092203919 0.954266208111 dJ = 0.000020975015 0.000021161225 -0.887770901630 DJK = 0.001266154440 0.001275275242 -0.720354627596 dK 0.000673432721 0.000668872320 0.677187328323 HJ = 0.000000000014 0.000000000018 -22.313827143162 hJ = 0.000000000008 0.000000000007 10.837029504179 HJK = 0.000000000887 0.000000000837 5.582751754078 hJK = 0.000000000520 0.000000000545 -4.758734972725 INERTIA DEFECT = 0.3265185176 +- 0.0000871137 u A**2 QUARTIC DEFECT = 0.0039210926 +- 0.0002172276 MHz**2 SEXTIC DEFECT = -0.0000000213 +- 0.0000000306 MHz**2 KAPPA = -0.697508 SUM OF I'S = 915.647799 Terms in the quartic defect as a multiple of the total: 104.7926 -138.8205 -112.6417 147.6696 Terms in the sextic defect as a multiple of the total: -4.4815 17.9123 9.2276 -21.0140 -1.6289 0.9845 d.q / 4 C D.J = 0.009543 +- 0.000529 d.s / 6 C H.J = -0.223138 +- 0.321506 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------