!--------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Contour plot of mixing coefficients for four coupled states ! !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! size 29.5 21 sub zkyellow z ! ! default colour is white ! local r = 255 local g = 255 local b = 255 ! ! different grades of yellow ! if (z > 0.001) and (z <=0.0100) then r = 255 g = 255 b = 0 end if if (z > 0.0100) and (z <= 0.20) then r = 200 g = 200 b = 0 end if if (z > 0.20) and (z <= 1.0) then r = 100 g = 100 b = 0 end if return rgb255(r,g,b) end sub vpix=300 hpix=600 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Edit the quantum number range below as necessary !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- minj=30 maxj=120 mink=-0.5 maxk=29.5 set lwidth 0.035 !---------------- ! low box for use in the paper ! ! boxver=12. ! vshift=5. ! ytxt=7.05 ! ! tall box for use in searching for perturbations ! boxver=22. vshift=0. ytxt=3.6 !---------------- boxhor=8. hshift=2. hspace=0.3 sizem=0.5 labh=0.5 tith=0.6 ! col$="red" col$="black" !mmmm=0.8 mmmm=0.4 llll=0.05 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Edit the major and minor ticks as necessary !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xbtick=5 xstick=1 ybtick=20 ystick=5 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! use the .out files produced by PMIXC from the specified .EGY file !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin fitz data "pm_v0.out" x from 0 to 30 step 0.5 y from 1 to 120 step 0.5 ! ncontour 20 end fitz begin contour data "pm_v0.z" ! values from 0 to 1 step 0.01 values 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 end contour begin fitz data "pm_v1.out" x from 0 to 30 step 0.5 y from 1 to 130 step 0.5 ! ncontour 20 end fitz begin contour data "pm_v1.z" ! values from 0 to 1 step 0.01 values 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 end contour begin fitz data "pm_v2.out" x from 0 to 30 step 0.5 y from 1 to 130 step 0.5 ! ncontour 20 end fitz begin contour data "pm_v2.z" ! values from 0 to 1 step 0.01 values 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 end contour begin fitz data "pm_v3.out" x from 0 to 30 step 0.5 y from 1 to 130 step 0.5 ! ncontour 20 end fitz begin contour data "pm_v3.z" ! values from 0 to 1 step 0.01 values 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 end contour !=============================================================================== ! ! LEFTMOST v=0 ! !=============================================================================== ! amove hshift vshift begin graph nobox size boxhor boxver xaxis min mink max maxk dticks xbtick dsubticks xstick lwidth 0.04 grid xtitle "{\it K_a}\ ^{\prime\prime}" font texcmr hei tith dist 0.5 xlabels hei labh font texcmr on x2labels hei labh font texcmr on xticks length 0.3 color grey10 xsubticks length 0.15 on color black x2axis on ! yaxis min minj max maxj dticks ybtick dsubticks ystick lwidth 0.04 grid ytitle "{\it J}\ ^{\prime\prime}" font texcmr hei tith dist 0.5 ylabels hei labh font texcmr y2labels off yticks length 0.3 color grey10 ysubticks length 0.15 on color black ! ! v=0 ! ! data "pm_v0-cdata.dat" d1 d1 line lstyle 1 lwidth 0.02 colormap "pm_v0.z" hpix vpix zmin 0 zmax 1. palette zkyellow yplaces 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 ynames "40" "" "60" "" "80" "" "100" "" "120" ! end graph !=============================================================================== ! ! SECOND FROM LEFT, v=1 ! !=============================================================================== ! amove hshift+0.7*boxhor+hspace vshift begin graph nobox size boxhor boxver xaxis min mink max maxk dticks xbtick dsubticks xstick lwidth 0.04 grid xtitle "{\it K_a}\ ^{\prime\prime}" font texcmr hei tith dist 0.5 xlabels hei labh font texcmr on x2labels hei labh font texcmr on xticks length 0.3 color grey10 xsubticks length 0.15 on color black x2axis on ! yaxis min minj max maxj dticks ybtick dsubticks ystick lwidth 0.04 grid ! ytitle "{\it J}\ ^{\prime\prime}" font texcmr hei tith dist 0.5 ylabels hei labh font texcmr off yticks length 0.3 color grey10 ysubticks length 0.15 on color black ! ! v=1 ! data "pm_v1-cdata.dat" d1 d1 line lstyle 1 lwidth 0.02 colormap "pm_v1.z" hpix vpix zmin 0 zmax 1. palette zkyellow yplaces 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 ynames "" " " "" " " "" " " "" " " "" " " ! end graph !=============================================================================== ! ! SECOND FROM RIGHT, v=2 ! !=============================================================================== ! amove hshift+2*0.7*boxhor+2*hspace vshift begin graph nobox size boxhor boxver xaxis min mink max maxk dticks xbtick dsubticks xstick lwidth 0.04 grid xtitle "{\it K_a}\ ^{\prime\prime}" font texcmr hei tith dist 0.5 xlabels hei labh font texcmr on x2labels hei labh font texcmr on xticks length 0.3 color grey10 xsubticks length 0.15 on color black x2axis on ! yaxis min minj max maxj dticks ybtick dsubticks ystick lwidth 0.04 grid ! ytitle "{\it J}\ ^{\prime\prime}" font texcmr hei tith dist 0.5 ylabels off y2labels hei labh font texcmr off yticks length 0.3 color grey10 ysubticks length 0.15 on color black ! ! v=2 ! data "pm_v2-cdata.dat" d1 d1 line lstyle 1 lwidth 0.02 colormap "pm_v2.z" hpix vpix zmin 0 zmax 1. palette zkyellow yplaces 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 ynames "" " " "" " " "" " " "" " " "" " " ! end graph !=============================================================================== ! ! RIGHTMOST, v=3 ! !=============================================================================== ! amove hshift+3*0.7*boxhor+3*hspace vshift begin graph nobox size boxhor boxver xaxis min mink max maxk dticks xbtick dsubticks xstick lwidth 0.04 grid xtitle "{\it K_a}\ ^{\prime\prime}" font texcmr hei tith dist 0.5 xlabels hei labh font texcmr on x2labels hei labh font texcmr on xticks length 0.3 color grey10 xsubticks length 0.15 on color black x2axis on ! yaxis min minj max maxj dticks ybtick dsubticks ystick lwidth 0.04 grid ! ytitle "{\it J}\ ^{\prime\prime}" font texcmr hei tith dist 0.5 ylabels off y2labels hei labh font texcmr on yticks length 0.3 color grey10 ysubticks length 0.15 on color black ! ! v=3 ! data "pm_v3-cdata.dat" d1 d1 line lstyle 1 lwidth 0.02 colormap "pm_v3.z" hpix vpix zmin 0 zmax 1. palette zkyellow ! y2places 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 y2names "40" "" "60" "" "80" "" "100" "" "120" end graph !=============================================================================== ! pane annotations !=============================================================================== ! ! leftmost v=0 ! vvv=4. set font texcmmi set hei tith just bl amove 3.70002 ytxt begin box fill white add 0.1 round 0.1 nobox text {\rm g.s} end box ! ! second from left v=1 ! set font texcmmi set hei tith just bl amove 9.47727 ytxt begin box fill white add 0.1 round 0.1 nobox text v{\rm_{11} = 1} end box ! ! second from right v=2 ! set font texcmmi set hei tith just bl amove 15.4039 ytxt begin box fill white add 0.1 round 0.1 nobox text v{\rm_{15} = 1} end box ! ! leftmost v=3 ! set font texcmmi set hei tith amove 21.2559 ytxt begin box fill white add 0.1 round 0.1 nobox text v{\rm_{11} = 2} end box ! !=============================================================================== ! arrows pointing out related perturbation islands !=============================================================================== set color red set lwidth 0.05 set arrowsize 0.5 set arrowangle 15 amove 12.097 7.73 aline 16.8483 7.73 arrow both amove 17.6252 6.35 aline 22.1374 6.35 arrow both amove 12.4555 5.7 aline 22.5558 5.7 arrow both amove 10.9913 14.40 aline 15.1748 14.40 arrow both amove 17.0574 13.75 aline 21.241 13.75 arrow both amove 12.0 13.5 rline 0.5 -0.5 arrow start rline 9. 0.0 rline 0.5 0.5 arrow end amove 6.4 16.1 rline 0.5 0.5 arrow start rline 3.5 0.0 rline 0.5 -0.5 arrow end amove 6.9 15.6 rline 0.5 -0.5 arrow start rline 3.5 0.0 rline 0.5 0.5 arrow end !===============================================================================