Jaszowiec 2008 Pre-School

A special tutorial session in semiconductor physics will take place just before the School, during the weekend June 7/8, 2008. It is co-organized by the Foundation "Pro Physica".
The headline of this year two-day course is:

Prying into a quantum world

The aim of this tutorial session is to introduce students and newcomers to some of the advanced theoretical and experimental methods for investigating and controlling semiconductors in a nano-scale.
As in the case of the past sixteen Pre-Schools, a limited number of grants to cover the participation in the courses and in the School will be offered for students. Priority will be given to the students whose conference abstracts are accepted.
Applications for support should be submitted by the students' supervisors before March 14th, 2008 directly to the Chairman of the Tutorial Session:

Dr. Jacek Szczytko

Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw University
ul. Hoza 69
PL 00-681 Warsaw, Poland
phone: (+4822) 5532145
fax: (+4822) 6219712


Andrrey Akimov (St. Petersburg)
    Ultrafast acoustics in semiconductor nanostructures

Francis Balestra (Grenoble)
    New semiconductor devices

Laurance Eaves (Nottingham)
    Using High Magnetic Fields to Probe Electron Wavefunctions and Carrier Dynamics
    in Novel Semiconductor Heterostructures

    Using magnetic levitation to study nanostructures, hydradynamics and living systems

Stefano Sanvito (Dublin)
    Quantitative theory for electron transport in nano- and bio-devices
Ivan Rungger (Dublin)
    Using the Smeagol code for quantitative electron transport calculations

We plan computational part of the tutorial session, however the Conference
cannot provide any computers. It is recommended to bring your own laptop.