name of the input file: test.lin name of the ERHAM input file: test.erh transitions (1) or full input (2): 1 order of rotational qns in .LIN file: 1,2,3,4,5,6 symmetry labels IS1,IS2: 1,0 ________________________________________ d e s c r i p t o r |_____ d a t a (starting on column 41) The input example above is for conversion of a straightforward assymmetric rotor .lin file into a transition block for ERHAM. The torsional quantum numbers IS1,IS2 are defined in the fifth line. The input example below is for conversion of a .lin file and insertion of the transition block into an existing ERHAM input file. The .lin file has quantum numbers consistent with those in .cat file generated by ERHAM_R3, with the fourth and eighth quantum numbers definining IS1 and IS2. name of the input .LIN file: test.lin name of the ERHAM input file: transitions (1) or full input (2): 2 order of rotational qns in .LIN file: 1,2,3,5,6,7 symmetry labels IS1,IS2: -4,-8 ________________________________________ d e s c r i p t o r |_____ d a t a (starting on column 41)